Black Turmeric Rhizome – Karumanjal Rhizome seed


Our Black Turmeric is organically grown using natural farming method and its one of the essential medicinal herb in every home gardens.

Curcuma caesia roxb. (Common name, Black turmeric) is a perennial herb of distinguishable bluish-black rhizome with a bitter and pungent smell and it is famous for its medicinal

Seed Variety Name: Black Turmeric / Karumanjal in tamil

Source Plantation: Sirumalai hills, Tamil Nadu

weight: 250g rhizome

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Medicinal Benefits:

The rhizome of Black Turmeric has a bitter, sharp, hot taste, and a pleasant odor. it has anti-bacterial and anti-fungal properties, and is laxative. it is used as a tonic for the brain and the heart. rhizomes are useful in treating leucoderma, piles, bronchitis, asthma, tumors, and tuberculous glands of the neck, enlargement of the spleen, epileptic seizures, inflammations, and allergic eruptions.

How to Grow?

1. Cut your rhizomes into sections, with two or three buds on each section.
2. Fill the pots halfway with a good potting soil.
3. Lay the rhizome sections flat on the soil, and cover with more potting soil.
4. Keep the soil moist till the germination starts.

Black Turmeric Rhizome – Karumanjal Rhizome seed
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